I’m a Udemy Instructor
One of the most gratifying and rewarding things you can do is to teach someone something that you’re passionate about. I’ve only had a little bit of experience teaching but each time I’ve taught people how to market or design something, I get several thank you’s and one way or another, my income grows.
With a little inspiration, support from Lenka (my wife) and some serious motivation, I became an instructor on Udemy.
For those who don’t know what Udemy is, it’s a market place for courses created by people like you and me who want to teach. I love it, if I feel like learning about something, my first stop is usually Udemy.
I published my first Course on November 28th 2016 called “Create your own online store – The Bohemian Boutique” which took me 4 months to complete. If you’re curious about this course, you can learn more here.
Today is Christmas and so far, I’ve had over 800 people enroll in my course and I’ve gotten several 5 star reviews. Wow, the feeling I get from knowing people are enjoying what I’m teaching is incredible. I feel so motivated to do more!
I plan on making several courses. The next few I’d like to teach will inlcude Facebook Marketing, Google Analyics, maybe I’ll show photographers how to make a photography site, I’ll show business owners how to make a business site and for you (assuming you’re a designer or marketer) I’ll show you how to create a marketing site.
I’m not going to be stingy, I know you love gifts so if you subscribe to my blog, there’s a good chance you’ll get these courses for free. I’m going to need people to review my course and you can be one of those people who can walk away with a free review copy.
I challenge you to teach something and publish it somewhere on the internet. Whether it be on Youtube, skillshare or Udemy, try and create a small tutorial about something you’re passionate about and let’s see what you get in return.
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